Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Should You Join the MPCA?

About half of us got a second notice yesterday to pay our dues renewal for the coming year. Is there value in joining this organization?

The MPCA was founded in 2001 with such high hopes. It began with an amazing 80%+ participation, way over what we had when we were part of Springlake. On June 27, however, our president, Glenn Cartledge, sent a blanket email, prodding everyone who hadn't yet, to send a check right away. He made some excuse about budget projections that needed to be met. At that time, only about 40% of households had joined.

Two weeks later, we're only at about 55% paid up.

Unfortunately, there is no way to get the benefit of the Security Patrol, which we share with the neighboring Wildwood and Springlake Civic Associations, without paying the $40 dues and supporting the MPCA Board, which has been quite a bit off the rails for the past couple of years.

(Well, the Security Patrol still patrols the entire neighborhood, so non-members still get the benefit of extra police with arrest capabilities. But those who pay have their homes checked daily when they are out of town.}

For your $40 dues, you get the following benefits, among others:

MPCA directory - easily worth every penny. Well organized, easy to use and very useful.
MPCA website - Hasn't been updated in 3 years. Useless. Embarrassing. The Wayne's World of Neighborhood sites. Delete and start over.
MPCA newsletter - WordPerfect for DOS or 5.2?
MPCA meetings - Please budget for extra copies of Robert's Rules of Order. Make the President and Board read it and take a test. (Perhaps we should amend the by-laws to add Sargent-At-Arms to our list of officers.)
Other budget items:
Christmas sleigh ride for kids (with hot chocolate!) -$1,000

Halloween Party for kids - $1,000 (plus $50 worth of candy each household must buy for trick-or-treat, especially Woodley & Wellesley residents.)

Adult Party - $500

What's wrong with this budget?

1 comment:

Contrariwise said...

What is this, "Lord of the Flies?"