Thursday, March 13, 2008

To: Odd Number Addresses on Wesley Drive

People who live on the part of Wesley Drive whose homes back up to the park were recently polled by a member of the MPCA's "Path Study Committee," or whatever it's called, to ask if they would accept a paved trail running behind their homes. I don't know whether the two households on Howell Mill who also back up to the park were asked. It hardly matters.

Those polled weren't given any specifications on the proposed trail or the process that would be required to install it. How wide would the trail be? What paving materials would be used? Where would it be placed? What kind of heavy equipment would be brought in to build it? How much grading would be done to the path? Would a bridge be built over the drainage ditch? At what point? How wide would it be? Would the trail connect to the sidewalk at Howell Mill, thus going within a few feet of the property line of 2487 Howell Mill? How many trees would be cut down altogether? What effect would this project have on flooding of yards and basements? When will the engineering studies commence and who is going to pay for them?

They were simply asked whether or not they were favorably disposed to a rather vague idea of some sort of surfaced trail behind their homes, or alternatively, a city-installed sidewalk on the street front (which as far as I know, isn't among the City's funded sidewalk plans). Perhaps it would be more useful for those homeowners to have a little more information on the consequences of a paved trail behind their homes.

Let's ignore for the moment the issue of flooding, although the land there is mostly flood plain, which has flooded many times in the past. Paving could exacerbate the problem. (But people can get flood insurance.)

Let's just look at one possible type of trail that the MPCA is considering, and actually soliciting: a concrete trail built by the PATH Foundation . If you don't know what this would be like, you have only to walk over to the intersection of Northside Drive and Woodward Way. Cross the street where Sagamore bears off from Woodward, and you will see a PATH sign, an enormous bridge and a 10' wide concrete path that meanders a bit over to Peachtree-Battle Avenue (including a second large bridge), where it meets an ordinary sidewalk. If you walk this trail, you will pass the back yards of several houses, including the new construction on Sagamore that has been on the market for many months. The trail runs parallel to its driveway. There is no landscaping to screen the house from the public path, and there is almost always standing water.

A few years ago, there was a forest there which shielded homes from Northside Drive traffic. PATH Foundation clear-cut a 50'wide swath (no, that's not a typo -- fifty feet) in order to bring in equipment and build what you now see. They replaced a few trees, but some of those died. PATH did not follow their own site plan, nor did they get approval for removing the trees. Many people think the result is an eyesore, and somewhat inane, that's still not the point.

Consider the possible consequences to your privacy and safety. For instance, one house that backs up to this PATH installation was broken into from the rear and robbed of more than $50,000 worth of jewelry, cameras and other items after the trail was open. The investigating police officer told the owners that "PATH is a robber's best dream."

PATH Foundation trails, according to their charter, must be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant, multi-use (accessible to all non-motorized traffic, including wheelchairs, bicycles, skateboards and rollerblades). Such a trail must be wide, flat and smooth, requiring extensive grading. The dense woods that are now the view from your deck or patio will be reduced to something like what you see at Peachtree-Battle. You will have increased traffic behind your houses, as well as cars parked in front. There is certainly more liklihood of trespassers in back yards, as there is no visibility from the street. Our paid Security Patrol does not patrol on foot, so they won't be checking the area. Neither will on-duty police. Most of the joggers and strollers who use Memorial Park now are not even aware of that secluded area. Is a paved trail that helpfully directs everyone back there a good idea? Maybe you might want to install some serious security fencing.

PATH Foundation, which arguably does desirable projects in suburban and rural areas, and along abandoned railroad beds, but not so much in developed urban spots, is being vigorously opposed by intown neighborhoods they are proposed to enter, including Collier Hills, Peachtree Hills and in DeKalb County. The battles have been and continue to be rancorous, pitting neighbors against each other. In Memorial Park, our association was actually formed over similar proposals. We withdrew from Springlake Civic Association in 2001 over these very same divisions.

Memorial Park is not on the Beltline, which is partnering with PATH and the City of Atlanta, enraging people all over town for their dismissive attitude towards property owners. Memorial Park would be safe from PATH's ugly design and environmental insensitivity, if only certain Powers That Be would stop inviting them in with open arms.


Anonymous said...

The MPCA should focus all its attention and resources on lobbying the city to get sidewalks on Wellesley, Woodley, and Riada! Our little ones now have to walk amid dangerous traffic. WON'T ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN??? At least they can walk off-street around the park. This trail is an expensive frill which should be a very low priority when very lives are at stake.

The Park said...

This is a problem for the entire neighborhood, not just for odd Wesley Drive addresses. We are being dictated to by an MPCA board that is not only trying to impose an obscenity on the neighborhood, but is also allowing (or encouraging, I don't know which) board leadership to pursue yet another cowboy, solo, permanent and highly destructive impact on everyone for reasons which are unknown. The time has come for the people to stand up and say "STOP"!

buyer beware said...

Before you invite PATH into your backyards, make sure you're aware of what's going on around Atlanta neighborhoods with PATH. Many of the communities who WANTED the concrete trail are seriously unhappy with the results. Just go look for yourselves! Peachtree Battle, Avondale Estates, Collier Road, and on and on. While Tanyard Creek People have gone back to the table, with PATH and their elected officials (in a good faith attempt), to try and re-negotiate their concerns, I would bet (if I was a bettin' wperson) they'll get the same answer and same results. The thing is, if PATH and your officials want your opinion as to what's best for your neighborhood, they'll tell you what it is! And then act accordingly. If you want details of the many disasters around what PATH has destroyed in various neighborhoods, check out the website;
There's pictures, and many angry letters holding PATH accountable and so much more. And, the public face of some of PATH's supporters don't match their private sentiments which was realized through some open records requests. Mason-Mill neighborhood was lucky to have the TRO halted, but some damage had been done. There could be irreparable damage in your neighborhood, too.

buyer beware said...

let me just correct my prior note. I meant to say that Mason-Mill was lucky to have the TRO UPHELD until april.

And as additional points of information, PATH is NOT good stewards of the land. They frequetly practice what McBrayer commonly refers to as "field engineering" which is defined by the various neighborhoods (one of whom I forgot to mention with issues is west end) as -no matter what plans were filed (and approved) with the state/county/city... when PATH gets into the area.. they'll pour concrete where they want to.

The Park said...

The problem with this entire path thing, no matter whether concrete, rubber or whatever, is that no cogent argument has been made as to why doing it at all is a good thing. "I WANT" on the part of some who don't actually live on the park seems to be all the rationale required. Many people don't like to stand up and be counted, so they will get whatever someone else decides is good for them. Multiple reasons NOT to put in a path have been articulated over and over; if we allow it anyway we will have to suffer the consequences.

Unknown said...

I don't believe that this blog was posted on the Internet to be a bitch session or a way to throw daggers at others. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for behaving like a bunch of spoiled children! Let's try to keep it constructive and positive. That is the best way to make a difference for OUR neighborhood.

The Park said...

I take Elizabeth's point, and in a situation where the affairs of our association were being run openly and in a fair manner she would be right. However, we don't have that at this point, and so things need to be said and corrections attempted. It is a truly unfortunate dilemma right now and rest assured all of us wish things were different, and that peace and harmony could prevail at all times. The other point to be made is that changes such as those being proposed will be permanent and irreversible, and thus we need to be highly cautious and, yes, critical.