Saturday, April 12, 2008

Upcoming Election of Officers and Board

There was indeed a board meeting last Monday night, in which a slate of nominees was selected and the date was set for the bi-annual neighborhood April meeting. Those nominees will be presented for routine affirmation (unless anyone is nominated from the floor).

The MPCA by-laws require a minimum 5-day notice to the membership before a meeting, but that doesn't mean they must wait until five days. This habit has always assured the lowest possible turnout.

I'm taking it upon myself to announce that the bi-annual meeting of the MPCA will be Tuesday, April 29th (probably at 7 p.m. at Northside United Methodist Church, as usual). Mark your calendars.

It is my opinion that the membership deserves to know who the nominees are as early as possible. Perhaps people would like to assess the qualities of the chosen ones and, as Ms. Quillian suggested on this blog recently, offer to serve themselves if they find the slate not to their liking.

Not everyone reads this site, but certain Board members do, so I hope they will take the hint and inform the membership right away.


Anonymous said...

I find it very depressing that a cohesive, cooperative group has become divided by such an adversarial attitude from some of the leaders. This certainly does not bode well for the future success of MPCA .Most people do not work well under this type leadership and will simply quit being involved at all. By-laws are in place to protect from abuse of power but lose their effectiveness when they are ignored. Parliamentary procedure simply involves fair consideration of all points of view but this has been steadfastly ignored. I don’t know if this is through ignorance of the rules or by design. I just know there is a growing concern for the well-being of our neighborhood as a unit. This may be the finish of what started out as a noble purpose to protect the quality of life here (Read the first page of the By-laws)

Contrariwise said...

Oh, can't we all get along? Please stop pushing for these terrible changes that will ruin our lovely, quiet neighborhood. I am happy with things the way they are now. The paving thing sounded ghastly. I don't want to lose our beautiful trees. I didn't buy a house near Chastain Park for a good reason. There is too much traffic and too many people there. I love this area like it is.