Monday, May 19, 2008

Outdoor Watering For Dummies

One of my neighborhood reporters has passed along a clarification directly from City Hall this morning. John was indeed correct that Governor Purdue put through legislation requiring all local governments to follow uniform outdoor watering restrictions, and that means that Atlanta had to ease up on the strict bans that were in place. Unfortunately, my earlier source had been timed just prior to that passage. Here's the most current information:
  • Hand watering is now allowed for 25 minutes per day on an odd-even schedule between midnight and 10 a.m. Odd numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Even numbered addresses may water Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Hand watering is defined as one person with one garden hose with a spray nozzle that shuts off when it is released. This obviously means no automatic irrigation systems set on timers. Landscape services or workers are not allowed to water in chemicals during the day or when they overseed or plant after 10 a.m. either. It doesn't matter that they are "professionals."
  • New professionally installed landscaping can be watered up to three days a week from midnight to 10 a.m. only for a period of 10 weeks based on the odd/even schedule.
  • Anyone wishing to water a new professionally installed landscape must register with the Outdoor Water Use Registration Program. There is only one permit allowed per address per calendar year. The program will be hosted on the Urban Agricultural Council web site at Urban Ag Council. (Link is posted to the right for your convenience.)
Mayor Franklin is extremely unhappy about having to comply with Governor Perdue's legislation, because Atlanta is still seriously short of water, and this area is still in the midst of a long-term drought, while the city is in a population-growth pattern. Purdue's legislation was in response to political pressure from the landscaping industry, which was suffering financially. It was not because there is now more water available. The City may yet request permission to reinstitute the former bans, but askin' ain't gettin'.

In any event, it would probably be a good idea if we all acted responsibly and continued to conserve water.

Soon: The park is not forgotten.

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