Dear MPCA Neighbors,
I have had several emails from NPU as well as MPCA members requesting distribution of this petition. The link is the website below and is easy as pie to sign. Also read up on the issue below as well.
Glenn Cartledge
There was a link to a statement against the closing on an advertising-sponsored petition websites. (Readers may view the entries and add their names if they choose.) The email included a news release from an Atlanta Firefighters organization about the closing and other planned cutbacks, although it didn't mention collecting signatures.
The City of Atlanta has scheduled closing the fire station for the remainder of this fiscal year. Firestation #7 (West End) and others have been closed altogether. Public safety services have been cut back. Responses to police, fire and ambulance calls will be slower.
Letters and phone calls might have some impact on the situation, although they are not quite "easy as pie." I'm not sure how digital "signatures" that could be instantly created on any computer anywhere in the world would be of passing interest to a decision-maker, if and when they ever make it to Mayor Franklin's desk.
As MPCA President, Mr. Cartledge, when speaking ex officio might want to put a little thought behind his recommendations, especially when it comes to public safety. He took a couple of seconds to forward a well-meaning, but nevertheless ineffective internet petition which I suppose makes people feel they are accomplishing something in a frustrating situation. At this posting, two weeks after sending the "easy as pie" e-mail, Mr. Cartledge hadn't yet added his own name to the list, however.
There was a community meeting with elected officials, residents and community leaders to discuss the fire station closing. Mr. Cartledge did not attend, nor did he send a representative.
(Not one of the seven members of the MPCA Board managed to attend the recent regularly scheduled Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU) meeting, nor did anyone find out what occurred and report to the community, even though several items directly affecting this neighborhood were on the published agenda.
But I digress...
At the meeting about the fire station, someone suggested that private funds be raised to make up the shortfall to keep protection available. The feasibility of this was not clear because the legislative branch was busy deflecting responsibility toward the executive (see story). People had tried this solution without success to save Firestation #7. (The Mt. Paran Civic Association was able to raise $195,000 to fund repairs for their neighborhood fire station and found a legal means of getting City Hall to accept their donation. In fact, one of their members who is an architect, donated his talents to the renovation of the station!)
But this did get me thinking about priorities -- about how the MPCA recently spent $1000 of our relatively small annual budget for two parties for young children who were getting ready to go out that evening and collect more junk food on Halloween night. A few weeks later on December 7th, the MPCA spent another $1000 for a couple of hours for what was loosely termed a "sleigh ride" around the neighborhood mostly for young kids. We had the recent "adult social," attended by fewer than a third of the members. It was a delightful evening, but it is overkill to finance ALL these social events from MPCA dues which are $40 per household per year. I believe there are approximately 115 member households.
There is also the Annual Spring Picnic. Last year attendees were asked to defray expenses by purchasing tickets and bringing a side dish. (Perhaps the event broke even.) The board still has on its agenda a proposal for something called "Movie in the Park" which is projected to cost between $750-$1000 for a few hours of (again) children's entertainment.
How many social events should the MPCA sponsor? I'm sure the combined creative, intellectual and political talents of this community could design more thoughtful projects that would have long-lasting value for Memorial Park, might be more inclusive, and perhaps benefit households other than those with small children (who will inexorably age into adolescence before we know it).
(Frankly, I find odd that a pre-trick-or-treat party costs $1000. There was no site rental. I hope there was no alcohol served. Was there a disc jockey? Valet Parking? Filet mignon? Professional party planner?)
This kind of spending must be reconsidered. The MPCA is not a social organization. It is a civic organization. Every member has a directory and is free to throw a party at any time -- a potluck event or the host can fund it if he or she desires and can afford it. The amount of money that is budgeted for social events is out of line with other civic associations on the Northside and is not focused appropriately. Other associations make capital improvements. The MPCA fritters away its funds, and in fact spends more than 50% of its budget on a temporary benefit for one segment. (If I didn't know better, I'd imagine that the MPCA Board is spending money to curry favor and buy votes. But that makes no sense at all, does it?)
In contrast the dog waste bag dispensers the MPCA installed and services help keep the park as well as private lawns clean. This is a benefit whether one is a dog owner, or whether one walks around the park. The expenditure benefits the community at large by preventing the spread of disease. It costs less for the whole year than a single party, but the bags are used 365 days per year.
We might donate some money to fire station #23. If that's a lost cause, how about #26, the station that serves our homes, and is not yet scheduled to be closed.
In the alternative, we could find a way to improve the neighborhood by replacing missing street signs, increasing our security, or hiring a landscaping service to fill in for further reduced personnel and hours of the Parks Department.
The children of this neighborhood will be far better served if their homes are safe and protected. They will ultimately do better growing up in a stable, clean, attractive, less polluted environment. Their futures will be better insured if the value of all our homes are protected and improved and the appearance of the neighborhood is maintained. Simply put, the Board should start taking their duties seriously.
If all else fails, reduce the dues. I'm sure most residents can use their own money to improve their curb appeal themselves. The kids will survive. It's my personal opinion they can manage with one or two less meals of junk food, or goody bags of cheap plastic toys. They won't miss one more face-painting.
Nobody is suggesting that they be put on a diet of gruel or sent to work in factories.
*with apologies to Jonathan Swift
oh the anger & bitterness.....
Very true, but Swift was such a brilliant satirist.
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