Sunday, July 26, 2009


Our neighborhood seems to be in its own little financial bubble. Here, it is 2005, or maybe 1985. Memorial Park Civic Association President Glenn Cartledge noted in his last newsletter that while unfortunate events were "swirling around us," life is good here and everyone is doing fine.

I'll leave it to each of us to define his own personal situation as to job security, income, asset performance, property values, debt-to-income ratio and general outlook on the future. I can say with certainty that municipal services have been cut back while taxes and fees are up. Several homes have sold recently at prices that might be considered somewhat disappointing compared to prices of a few years ago.

The MPCA, however, seems to be the recipient of TARP funding, or at least our Board is in a Wall Street state of mind.

I'm referring to the MPCA financial report for the year ending 5/31/09. More than 50% of dues income was spent on parties.

Summary: $4,715 was collected in voluntary membership dues, plus $650 in (non tax-deductible) extra donations from some very generous neighbors for a total of $5,678.00.

Partying expenses totaled a net of about $3000 for four events -- three of which were designed for the entertainment of young children. Although more than half of Memorial Park members list children in their households, only a third have kids in the age group that would be caught dead at a kiddie party. The rest are hanging out with their friends, playing video games or are off at college.

I humbly suggest that these funds could more appropriately be used in ways that would enhance the safety, cleanliness, appearance and quality of life of the Memorial Park neighborhood for a larger number of residents. Instead, most of the budget is squandered on junk food and junk distractions with little or no remaining value besides adding to the waste stream and arguably contributing to animal abuse.

The MPCA Social Committee, which seems to have carte blanche, chose to have the annual picnic catered by the Varsity rather than doing a covered dish event, with an artificial ticket price cap of $10 per family. That single event had a staggering deficit of more than $1,100 -- 20% of annual dues revenue! Surely, there is a better use for our common funds.

The Halloween party came in at a little under $400, complete with unnecessary hired security. It was followed by an evening of trick-or-treating, which itself is a children's Halloween party. The party was a $400 redundancy, and the expenditure even more ridiculous because everyone in the neighborhood purchased a ton of candy for that specific evening to give to those same children. If we are going to spend $400 on candy and a party for the kids, then why not do it on Valentine's Day or Easter! Spread the potential tooth decay out a little more year-round. (The Christmas "sleigh ride" is only about 6 weeks after Halloween. The tab for that was $800.)

Maybe throwing parties is the MPCA's stimulus policy, sort of a WPA for the 21st century. I guess it gives the party planners a job.

It might be a good idea for the Board to open each meeting by reading the purpose of the MPCA as it is written into the by-laws, just to keep the association on track.

Someone will have to be to bring a copy to the meetings, if anyone has one.