Friday, April 23, 2010

The MPCA is on a Path to Trouble

 As Dave Barry often says, "I am not making this up." 

With four days until the bi-annual meeting, the membership hasn't been sent a notice. It follows that we haven't been given the agenda or the slate for the upcoming election. This is a violation of both the letter and the spirit of our by-laws.

There are two invited guests, Paul Melvin, incoming President of NPU-C, and our new City Council representative, Yolanda Adrean. It would be useful for the neighbors to hear what they have to say, and even have an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns. It would also be courteous to them if people showed up.

It is reprehensible that notice of this meeting, which has been planned for months, has not been announced -- on purpose, as we shall see.

 A "nominating committee" was hastily appointed three weeks ago to fill upcoming vacancies on the board, only after the Gadfly came out of a long hibernation, looked around and didn't see his shadow. The committee did nothing to solicit names publicly, or even announce its existence. For all intents and purposes, the committee has acted in secret and bent to the will of Mr. Cartledge. The by-laws of the association were flagrantly ignored.

A member of the nominating committee, without disclosing his/her involvement, contacted me to scoff at my suggestion that anything of importance might occur at next Tuesday's meeting. This was a deliberate, but baffling attempt at deception, which only serves to highlight the covert mindset of the board. (I guess a guilty conscience needs to confess.)

"We are considering sending the nominations out to the membership a few days prior with the agenda so that folks will have time to digest prior to the meeting.  So my request would be to try to have the slate together and to the Board by April 20th." 
                    - Glenn Cartledge, outgoing President, April 1, 2010,  to the just-appointed nominating committee

Emphasis mine. Does that seem a bit condescending, "folks?" It's a list of names, not an Act of Congress. And this:

"I would appreciate one of you presenting the nominations at the meeting.  This would give you good recognition of your contribution as well as formalize the separation of Board and Nominating Committee."
                                               -ibid, April 21
They seem to have considered and rejected the sop of sending out any information in a timely fashion. I will tell you the names of your new board, although I'm sure you will finally receive this information today, as have many insiders already.

                Pres.- Loulie Reece (sic)
VP - Hardman Knox (NPU/Variance) 
Treas. - Lynda Houser (Dues/Disbursements)
Sec. -  Michael Gragnani (Membership/Communication)
At-Large - John White (Parks)
At-Large - Rick Pilch (Security)
At-Large - Claire Stratton (Social) 
                                        -Bill Warren, nominating committee

Mrs. Reese has strenuously and repeatedly denied any aspirations to the Presidency. She was propelled from obscurity and imposed on the existing board after David Inglis resigned in 2008.  I must say she has worked very hard and productively on behalf of the neighborhood. Obviously, her objections were overcome and she has agreed to helm the organization in spite of her reservations. Hopefully, she has a clearer understanding of the role of president than her two immediate predecessors. I know she has the intelligence a to comprehend Robert's Rules of Order, if the MPCA has a copy.

Mr. Gragnani served on the ill-fated paving committee as a proponent of the project, as did Mr. Pilch's wife -- who was highly vocal in favor of paving around the park. Mrs. Reese's husband was on the committee. Both of them favored further development of the park. Whether the massive, destructive floods last year along with the sewer spills have given any of them doubts remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, pass me the popcorn. I can't wait to watch what happens next.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Peachtree Creek Cleanup April 24

The Atlanta Chapter of the Surf Rider Foundation is sponsoring a volunteer effort this Saturday morning  to remove trash left by the flooding last year in Atlanta Memorial Park. They will clean up in and around the creek.

For reasons of its own, the MPCA has sent several notices of a concurrent "cleanup" without any acknowledgement of the Surf Rider event, although the MPCA's earlier notice mentioned the Peachtree-Battle Alliance creek cleanup and the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper speaker, Sally Bethea, early that morning. PBA will be cleaning up their part of the creek. Collier Hills Civic Association held a cleanup last week. MPCA doesn't mention the creek.

The MPCA is always interested in removing biodegradable material instead of trash. Our notices mention how "severely overgrown" the area is. The worst effects of last years floods were not plant growth in the stream bank -- which is legally protected for a reason -- but plastic bags, bottles, cans, tires and other hazardous, long-lasting trash.

On another front, the meeting signs were placed at various intersections the morning after my last post, but there has yet to be a real notification. Those signs are very small. Some are on the left side of the road and some on the right. In any event, an email should be send to everyone who has provided an email address and a paper flyer sent to others.

 There is less than a week and we have no agenda and no slate. There was more notice for the Halloween party.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Secret Meeting?

We have received six email communications from MPCA management since the spring meeting date was set for April 27, but there has been no mention of this important event. I am shocked -- shocked -- once again to see that our leadership is behaving either arrogantly or furtively. I really thought that era was over.

Our by-laws require that the MPCA meet in April, holding an election to fill expiring terms. The rules also require a three person nominating committee (appointed from the general neighborhood, not made up of sitting directors) to have been appointed in January. This democratic procedure was often ignored by previous presidents. Last year a nominating committee was  appointed just a hair's breadth before the election. The committee did an excellent job and resisted pressure from Mr. Cartledge to control the outcome.

We haven't been told who has been annointed by Mr. Cartledge as his replacement, nor any hint of the agenda. The board is required to give a minimum of five days notice. They are not required to give notice only five days in advance. 

We have received three crime summaries; an announcement of a church event that has nothing to do with the MPCA; a half-hearted attempt at a park clean-up in conjunction with a volunteer effort organized by a nearby neighborhood and an environmental organization; and an "invitation" to attend the dedication of the PATH installation at Tanyard Creek Park. (That will be the subject of another post.)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

MPCA Meeting Announcement

Bi-annual neighborhood meeting!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
7:00 p.m.

Northside United Methodist Church (small chapel)
2799 Northside Drive NW

Atlanta, GA 

Everyone is encouraged to attend and participate. If you are interested in serving on the board of directors, please contact Glenn Cartledge (listed in your printed directory) and have your name put on the slate.