Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Peachtree Creek Cleanup April 24

The Atlanta Chapter of the Surf Rider Foundation is sponsoring a volunteer effort this Saturday morning  to remove trash left by the flooding last year in Atlanta Memorial Park. They will clean up in and around the creek.

For reasons of its own, the MPCA has sent several notices of a concurrent "cleanup" without any acknowledgement of the Surf Rider event, although the MPCA's earlier notice mentioned the Peachtree-Battle Alliance creek cleanup and the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper speaker, Sally Bethea, early that morning. PBA will be cleaning up their part of the creek. Collier Hills Civic Association held a cleanup last week. MPCA doesn't mention the creek.

The MPCA is always interested in removing biodegradable material instead of trash. Our notices mention how "severely overgrown" the area is. The worst effects of last years floods were not plant growth in the stream bank -- which is legally protected for a reason -- but plastic bags, bottles, cans, tires and other hazardous, long-lasting trash.

On another front, the meeting signs were placed at various intersections the morning after my last post, but there has yet to be a real notification. Those signs are very small. Some are on the left side of the road and some on the right. In any event, an email should be send to everyone who has provided an email address and a paper flyer sent to others.

 There is less than a week and we have no agenda and no slate. There was more notice for the Halloween party.

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