Thursday, April 15, 2010

Secret Meeting?

We have received six email communications from MPCA management since the spring meeting date was set for April 27, but there has been no mention of this important event. I am shocked -- shocked -- once again to see that our leadership is behaving either arrogantly or furtively. I really thought that era was over.

Our by-laws require that the MPCA meet in April, holding an election to fill expiring terms. The rules also require a three person nominating committee (appointed from the general neighborhood, not made up of sitting directors) to have been appointed in January. This democratic procedure was often ignored by previous presidents. Last year a nominating committee was  appointed just a hair's breadth before the election. The committee did an excellent job and resisted pressure from Mr. Cartledge to control the outcome.

We haven't been told who has been annointed by Mr. Cartledge as his replacement, nor any hint of the agenda. The board is required to give a minimum of five days notice. They are not required to give notice only five days in advance. 

We have received three crime summaries; an announcement of a church event that has nothing to do with the MPCA; a half-hearted attempt at a park clean-up in conjunction with a volunteer effort organized by a nearby neighborhood and an environmental organization; and an "invitation" to attend the dedication of the PATH installation at Tanyard Creek Park. (That will be the subject of another post.)

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